The Weakend: X Games, Guacamole, Dadali, Stepp

... Tuna, Laurent DeMartin and more... the best of the week in skiing.

By Adam Spensley

Cover photo: X Games/Espn

Another week ends, another 'The Weakend' and skiing never ceases to cough up some A-grade material. Though for me the week's highlight was pretty clear cut for once: Steve Stepp trolling the TGR brigade. It's equal parts amazing how successful the troll was and depressing that so many people didn't have the brains to work out they weren't even the butt of the joke. Kudos Steve.

You might also have noticed X Games took place in Norway over the past 4 days, with mixed success. It's deeply strange to me that big air now offers the most intrigue of all the contest disciplines, while slopestyle is now so often routine. And thus it proved in Hafjell where Henrik, Birk Ruud, Jackson Wells and others brought a unique and varied flavour to proceedings on the men's side (Highlights: Click Here), while Kelly Sildaru and Mathilde Gremaud pushed the envelope above and beyond in the women's event (Highlights: Click Here). But Eirik Sateroy (ok, and Mathilde but I knew she was coming) was the revelation of the weekend. I have just one thing to say to him: what the actual fuck? How've you gone and done a pregrab switch dub 12? Mind = blown.

It's always dope to see stylish representations of skiing filtering into the mainstream consciousness. Candide's Audi advert (and everything else Candide does really) is a great example, and this week Laurent DeMartin teamed up with a school in Valais, Switzerland to provide another. Not a bad way to get to class in the morning...

In other video highlights, Ahmet Dadali dropped an insane collection of shots from way back in 14-15. I don't really understand how you can sit on a bunch of shots this good for that long but if, for some reason, you needed any more confirmation Ahmet is legend status in the streets, then this is it.

Oliver Hoblitzelle continued to establish himself as one of the best filmers in the game with this week's collaboration with Jake Mageau. M1sta Mango has his own unique take on park and, what is even rarer in this day and age, pipe skiing. There were a bunch of tricks I've never seen before done with smooth style and that, combined with the stellar production, made Guacamole Skies probably my favourite overall audiovisual experience of the week. I'm getting so hyped for Roasted too.

Though with that said, there was some stiff competition from the Wicked Tuna Gang and their new cut. In a week where lots of 'serious' skiing happened in Norway, it's great to see a completely contrasting take filmed, in part, on the same hill as the X Games took place. Great editing and audio selection here too, stoked for the next one!