Words of the Wise

A collection of great skiing quotes.

By natekeyes

Words have a weird way of working themselves out. They can be hateful, powerful, bland, and so much more. They always seemed bland when it came to reading and writing in school. But when it comes to skiing, words flow, make you feel, and they reaffirm our love for this thing called skiing. Words of the Wise is a list of quotes straight from the mouths of some of skiing’s most memorable characters.

“Skiing is the best way in the world to waste time.” - Glen Plake

"There comes a time when one must risk something, or sit forever with one's dreams.” - Trevor Petersen

"Wu-Tang is for the children!" - Henrik Harlaut

“If the process is what you love most, every expedition is successful, whether you get to the top or not.” - JP Auclair

"We're skiers from day one. We'll be skiers till the day we die. And it's a beautiful thing, just to come back year after year and see the new faces and old faces, but still the same smiling faces." - Tanner Hall

“If you don’t do it this year, you will be one year older when you do.” - Warren Miller

“Over time, most people experience life involving love, suffering, compassion and an unspeakable drive for something new... For me there's skiing, nothing more nothing less and it encompasses everything, everyday I'm out there." - Pep Fujas

“Only the things you truly love, will you pursue with that energy. And for me, my family, my friends and skiing, that’s it for me, that’s my life. The joy I get from skiing, that’s worth dying for.” - CR Johnson (2:55)

“I’m doing what I love, and if you’re doing what you wanna do all the time, then you’re, you’re happy, you’re not going to work everyday wishing you were doing something else. I get up to go to work everyday and I’m stoked. That does not suck.” - Shane McConkey (6:33)

I chose to exclude quotes from things like LTC, Chug Life, etc., because there would literally be too many to count. What are some of your favorite skiing quotes?