Gaper Day 2015 - Sunday River

Gaper Day 2015 at Sunday River was a blast.

By Sarazen

From that much anticipated opening day to the final slushy 50 degree afternoons of the season, we drop cliffs, stack shots, work on new maneuvers to add to the growing bag of tricks, and try and progress ourselves as much as physically possible. Sometimes, a skier gets caught up in their own progression so much that they lose sight of the true reason they are out on the mountain. However, there is still hope. A growing number of carefree skiers have discovered the way to escape all of the stress and pressure of trying to progress.

Gaper Day.

Charlie Turchetta, Joe Kramer, and Ryan Williams gather for a group shot.

Throw the 3XL hoodie and sagged Saga pants in the trunk, pull out the onesie, the mahalo tees, the corduroy pants with regular-sized suspenders. Forget about the way you look - Forget about trying to master that lip 270 on you've been trying. On Gaper Day, all that matters, is ridiculous trains, massive cossacks, and tons of simple fun.

Ryan Williams and Joe Kramer send cossacks.

Matt Harkin and Bryce Little send spread eagles.

Gaper Day at Sunday River this year was a project in its own. Normally planning a Gaper Day at a local mountain is easy, but on the east coast, it's basically a shot in the dark when it comes to weather, especially when you try to get the word out to the entire mountain early enough so people can prepare. Luckily, Mother Nature pulled through for us, and on March 28th, the Gaper Day we had begun planning in February received perfect 45° weather and nothing but sun in the sky.

Kyle Williams rocks a bear suit.

Joe Kramer greases a rail.

As far as unofficial events go, this one had a pretty solid turnout. Being organized by three teenaged boys, one would think that the outcome would be very minimal, since teenaged boys are expert procrastinators. However over 40 people showed up in their gaper gear - Typical 80s clothing, fluorescent wind-breakers, onesies, many button-up shirts and even a few bikinis.

Isaak AM and Max Lee rep the mahalo lifestyle.

Ryan Williams has a way with the ladies.

The boys let go of their style and allowed the fun vibe of the day to take over. Corks and flips were few, only a handful of spins on and off rails were thrown, and the yearly progression was put on hold. This was a day for goofy tricks, funny poses, cossacks and spread eagles. Everyone was participating and enjoying the presence of an overall positive attitude.

Charlie Turchetta - True Gaper

Zeke Wilson sends a cossack.

Joe Kramer - Iron Cross

It would be impossible to count the number of cossacks, daffies, and spread eagles that were thrown on this day. Some guys went hard and others took it easy, but everyone had a killer time. This was an event that brought everyone together. The day was full of laughter, smiles, and love for skiing. Memories were made, friendships were forged - this was a day that no one will forget.

Short Video Recap

Regardless of what anyone says, Gaper Day 2015 at SR was a huge success.

Written by Jamie Lane and Dave Sarazen.Photos and videos by Dave Sarazen.Instagram - @davesarazen