Jossi Wells: King of THE SWITCH

Zero spins and switch trips. Is he the switch style king?

By Matt Kretzschmar

Jossi Wells, from everyone's favorite Kiwi ski family, may have just broke the internet yesterday. Watch the fuck out Kim K.

Easily a 90 in my book

Ok, so maybe he didn't break the internet per-say but he did blow damn near 25,000 NSers' minds with this incredible display of doing THE SWITCH. Personally, I believe this may have been run of the day and it wasn't even scored since Jossi was unable to compete in slopestyle qualifiers yesterday. Jossi is the king of switch. Before you go saying, "Oh, but Nick McNutt hucked a 69 foot cliff to switch." Understand that they both are incredible at skiing switch in their respective disciplines but they are different after all. Jossi never ceases to amaze me with his impeccable air control and shifties for days. This isn't the first time Jossi did this though. Lets rewind to good ol' Sochi.

Hey Mr. Bishop, don't you owe someone $1mill for this run?

After these two incredible runs, among other countless edits, the question comes to mind. Is skiing switch Jossi's forward and skiing forward his switch? Watch this and decide for yourself.

Switch triple? No problem.