NS Gear Editors for 14/15

We're proud to announce the selection of our Gear Editors for the 14/15 Ski Season!

By Doug Bishop

The new review system on Newschoolers has been running for just over a year now. Its still considered to be in Public Beta, but the response has been overwhelming given how little this has been promoted on the site.

Over the last year we've had 548 different people add a total of 4,397 Reviews to the new system! As we go forward, polish it up and promote it more I'm confident that we will get tens of thousands more.

Adding reviews to the gear system helps us get an accurate picture overall of how good product really truthfully is. That is our major goal here - to establish a decentralized and truthful system that allows the real findings about gear to be cataloged and easily searched.

As with all things on Newschoolers, the more you use it the more Karma you Accumulate for that section. So we've gone through all of the performance of last year and are now proud to announce 8 people who will be the official Gear Editors for Newschoolers. Since the system was in beta, we've taken into account both performance of reivews, performance of written news content about gear and some activity in Gear Talk.

Each Gear Editor will now have their reviews featured first, and begin receiving an immense amount of gear to put to the tests. Its our goal to make the most trusted reviewers help you guys seed the system with some really in-depth stuff about featured product.

Taking over the position of Senior Gear Editor (who will oversee the program) is Long-standing staff member Chris McMahon. He's passionate about gear, and will be helping get everyone the stuff that they need at the times they need it. Any questions about this program can be directed at him.

Our 8 official gear Editors are the following people:









So a huge congratulations go out to these people who have spearheaded the system and taken a massive interest in gear over the last year. Depending on how much demand we get from companies for reviews, we may add another 1-2 people later in the season.

Remember - If you use the review system, you too may eventually qualify to be a Gear Editor, and will get an absolute metric shit-ton of gear. To boot, if you use the system, join up in the official Review cult, and overall prove to be an extremely active member of the review community, we are going to have a 2nd tier level of involvement where you will get access to pro deal from a huge variety of companies. Some of these deals can be absolutely insane, and would further help you move your way up the ladder.

Congrats once again, and really look forward to working with all of you!

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