Evo's MOTM Winter Recap

It’s been an exciting winter with Tom Wallisch tearing his ACL, Gus Kenworthy saving dogs, and Nick Goepper making national headlines with #iwanttodatenick. That all set aside, we at Newschoolers have our own superstars, members who have risen above the multitudes by putting out quality content and being all around solid members in the forums. These members are this winter’s winners of the Member of the Month.

By Newschoolers

It’s been an exciting winter with Tom Wallisch tearing his ACL, Gus Kenworthy saving dogs, and Nick Goepper making national headlines with #iwanttodatenick. That all set aside, we at Newschoolers have our own superstars, members who have risen above the multitudes by putting out quality content and being all around solid members in the forums. These members are this winter’s winners of the Member of the Month.

The good people at Evo have teamed up with NS to revamp the Member of the Month contest. Each month a new member receives a prize pack from Evo and bragging rights for being crowned as the winner. Member of the Month has traditionally been a contest based solely on karma exchange for the month. Yes, internet karma actually does stuff. We’ve recently begun to add member input to the Member of the Month, pulling the top 5 contributors of the month and then letting the users decide.

This year, we’re stoked to announce that this year’s Members of the Months will be included in the annual NS mag, highlighting their accomplishments. So, without further ado, here are the champions of the winter.


September // cultrara

September went to the creator of the now famous animated series, “Mashed Potatoes”, Charlie Cultrara. Summarizing the happenings of the freeskiing world perfectly with his short animated clips all the while commenting on the plight of NS members/the forums, he was a crowd favorite for sure.


October // Mr. Huck

Mr. Huck is no newcomer to NS, and his quality posting in the forums did not go unnoticed. Apart from being a solid dude all around, garnering praise from his fellow members such as "Legit member, super helpful guy and his age compared to the majority of this site gets me stoked on skiing" -B-runge. His helpfulness was highlighted by this thread he made on how to create a backcountry jump.



November // WankerTanker aka theabortionator

A name you won’t likely forget, Rusty, theabortionator, or WankerTanker at the time is an avid forum poster. What ultimately landed him Member of the month though, was his ingenious gem of an article about chem trails and the danger of snow guns. Here are some of the comments that he snuck by the members. “When Jessica Hall was asked what she thought, she had this to say, "I think it's outrageous. We never even knew. I'm a parent. My son tanner skis there almost every day….Everything from a persistent cough to Wallischman's syndrome"(a rare bone disorder that usually occurs in a patient's feet and ankles, putting them at high risk for fractures) “


December // Krotch

Newschooler’s resident GIF maker extraordinaire, and our manager of Social Media, Matt Kretzchmar, or Krotch snagged member of the month for December, getting screen grabs of the best tricks in every edit.


January // gavinrudy

In January, filmmaker and photographer gavinrudy was crowned the member of the month. Gavin constantly puts out solid content, with many many of his photos receiving photo of the day. Although this wasn’t in January, his edit Margarine was praised as the edit of the century by many members, an edit that had everyone crying with laughter and an overwhelming urge to just go out and have fun with it.


February // Gypsy_Skier

Alex Dubois, or Gypsy_Skier took member of the month in February. Alongside being a solid forum contributor, his photo of a new take on urban in perhaps one of the coolest setups we've seen, landed the photo of the day.


March // TallxT

TallxT, Tall T Dan, or Lip on blind 2 was crowned the member of the month in March. A newschooler’s newschooler, big ups to Dan for keeping us informed through the realness of Tall T Trudays. Look for more installments in the series coming soon. And always remember that lip on blind two is the only trick in the world. Tru!


April // Erica.MN

Erica.MN is our first pinkname turned purple member of the month in a long time. She’s the definition of Minnesota nice, and puts out tons of quality content in the form of articles on the state of skiing in the midwest, and some great Q&A’s.

Again, shoutout to Evo.com for helping us allow this to happen. Now what are you waiting for? Start putting out some great content and maybe you can be the next member of the month!
