Winter of Wells Now Available On iTunes

Check out the brand new trailer for Winter of Wells: The Documentary, which is now available on iTunes!

By schmuck

The Winter of Wells webisode series has taken the freeski scene by storm over the past two years. This Autumn, Tim Pierce, the man behind Winter of Wells, released an in-depth documentary about this ski-crazed family that will elate non-freestylers as well. Now Winter of Wells: The Documentary is available for download in the iTunes Store.

Jossi and Byron Wells have been part of the freeski scene for so long, that it’s hard to believe they are still so young and their extraordinary rise to stardom is almost overlooked. Jossi, the 2010 AFP Overall World Champion is undoubtedly one of the biggest names in the sport at only 21 years old. His outstanding career was enabled by his ski-crazed family which paved the way not with prosperity, but with never ending passion and dedication.

Jossi Wells. Photo by Nate Abbott

Tim Pierce, who has been producer and cameraman for all 22 episodes of Winter of Wells, captures the story of the Wells family with great images, but even more so with sensible interviews and cutbacks. Parents Stacey and Bruce, who have passed their great passion for skiing on to their sons (Bruce works for the ski patrol at home in Wanaka) are as much in the center of attention as Jossi and Byron, while younger brothers Jackson and Beau-James are also getting their well-deserved share of the show.

Byron Wells. Photo by Tim Pierce

Winter of Wells: The Documentary offers a deep insight into the sometimes complicated life of this unique ski family. It’s a documentation about some of the best freestyle skiers in the world, but even more it’s a movie about the love for skiing and the wonderful things it can effect – a movie that a true ski fan can’t afford to miss!

Winter of Wells: The Documentary Trailer

Winter of Wells: The Documentary can be downloaded for a small fee in the iTunes Store by clicking here, so get your copy now!