The West Coast Session - Day 3

More skiing takes place and more good weather continues at Timberline during the third day of the West Coast Session at Mt. Hood

By 1337

Words by: Jamie Walter

Photos by: Jamie Walter and Matt Sklar

If someone had to choose a word to describe the weather and conditions so far this week up at Mt. Hood, perfect would sum it up nicely. It's been sunny, warm, and calm here at the 7th West Coast Session and Wednesday was just another day in paradise.

Noah Wallace getting tricky on the rainbow box. Photo: Jamie Walter

Not much changed between Tuesday's schedule and Wednesday's. The skiers and film teams made their way around the park in the AM while the big jump was salted and prepped for the afternoon.

Nicky Keefer grabbing blunt. Photo: Jamie Walter

Matt Sklar grabs a shot of Joey Vandermeer. Photo: Jamie Walter

Once the jump opened, an even larger crew of riders hopped on the rope behind the snow cat and started to send the jump. Speed was not an issue like it was yesterday, thanks to the Timberline park crew's superb upkeep and dedication to providing an awesome experience for the 40+ skiers invited.

Collin Collins floats a 3. Photo: Jamie Walter

The jump session wrapped up at 3pm and there was another quick dash back to Windells camp to grab a quick bite to eat before the 6pm cat ride back to the jump. The 30 minute car trip each way gave a very limited window for the media to recharge their batteries, dump their memory cards, eat, and prepare for the sunset ahead, but even with such pressure, they made it work. Last night featured the three video teams that didn't shoot the night before; Team Cael Jones & Matt Hobbs, Team Jasper Newton & Cameron Payne, and Team Shane McFalls & Jeff Kohnstamm.

Ethan Stone making sure everything is in tip top shape for the second evening. Photo: Jamie Walter

Charlie Lasser. Photo: Matt Sklar

With another absolutely unbelievable sunset greeting the crew, the riders were ready to throw down as soon as they rolled up. Nick Goepper busted out a nose butter double, Lyman Currier floated a smooth cork 7 blunt, and Nicky Keefer threw a rodeo 9 uncrossed blunt and an unbelievably crazy double taquito roll.

John Kutcher. Photo: Matt Sklar

Driving the truck across sunset. Photo: Jamie Walter

Nick Goepper with a double cork blunt. Photo: Jamie Walter

High mute. Photo: Jamie Walter

The second night shot concludes. Photo: Matt Sklar

The sun is shining on day 4 so it's time to ski! Be sure to check back here on Newschoolers for continuing coverage of the 7th West Coast Session. Follow NS on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook as well as the West Coast Session's Website and Facebook