The Chairlift Diaries Episode 11 & 12

Here's episodes 11 and 12 of The Chairlift Diaries (aka the French-Canadian edition) from Momentum and Camp of Champions in Whistler, BC, featuring JF Houle and Paul 'B-Paul' Bergeron.

By schmuck

Interviews by Jeff Schmuck

In Episodes 11 and 12 of The Chairlift Diaries (aka the French-Canadian edition), JF Houle discusses his hectic summer travel schedule, skiing at the Kumi Yama event in France, and gives us his thoughts on winning European X Games and slopestyle skiing getting into the Olympics, while Paul 'B-Paul' Bergeron talks to us about his winter, why he's not the best cook, and just how damn good his younger brother Emile is.

The Chairlift Diaries - JF Houle

The Chairlift Diaries - Paul 'B-Paul' Bergeron

Stay tuned for more episodes of the Chairlift Diairies with Gus Kenworthy, Justin Dorey and Kevin Rolland and Xavier Bertoni, and to watch all episodes of The Chairlift Diaries, be sure to check out its NSTV Channel.