#Windells: instagram and camp from your perspective

  p: evergreenskateparks Over the past year, Instagram has infiltrated our daily lives. Pictures, comments, likes, followers–we’re not complaining, it’s one of our not-so-guilty pleasures to scroll through our feed and see what cool things our friends take photos of every day. Besides being a very good way to pass the time while waiting in [...][IMG]http://images.newschoolers.com/images/17/00/45/86/74/458674.png[/IMG]

By Windells


p: evergreenskateparks

Over the past year, Instagram has infiltrated our daily lives. Pictures, comments, likes, followers–we’re not complaining, it’s one of our not-so-guilty pleasures to scroll through our feed and see what cool things our friends take photos of every day. Besides being a very good way to pass the time while waiting in line at the grocery store, Instagram is a interesting look at what others find interesting enough to capture and share with their followers. Maybe it’s that athropology 101 class from freshman year creeping up on us, but we think it’s pretty cool to look at what others take a second to save and share.

We recently stumbled upon a ton of pictures of Windells, too! The hashtags #Windells and #funnestplaconearth turned up such cool images that we decided we had to collect some of our favorites and share them with you here. After all, not everyone spends as much time on Instagram as we do, so maybe you did get to see these, and they’re cool! The pictures are Windells from your perspective: the campers, pro athletes, sponsors, friends, and folks that experience the funnest place on Earth firsthand.

We love these pictures so much that each Wednesday throughout the year, we’re going to pick a couple of our favorite from the past week and share them here. We’ll credit the person who created the picture so maybe you can find some new, interesting people to follow! If you want to share photos with us and maybe get your pictures on the blog, hashtag #Windells2012 and #funnestplaceonearth

p: ishredfreestyle

p: ishredfreestyle

p: ishredfreestyle

p: b_rybarber

p: joscadal

p: screedler