Backcountry Snowcats

Shots from the backcountry in December. Featuring Mattias Fredriksson, Kye Peterson and Ian Morrison. Related posts:Nimbus: Timberline Backcountry Well, well, well. Nimbus what have you been up to?... Nimbus Independent: B.C. Backcountry Chris Benchetler, Anthony Boronowski and John Jackson take a zone... Editor’s Blog:Backcountry booter in Davos 04/04/09 (Pally) It seems that in the past couple of...

By MagsinTweets

Shots from the backcountry in December. Featuring Mattias Fredriksson, Kye Peterson and Ian Morrison. Here’s their blurb:

“A little bit later than expected? But here are some shots from the trip I had to Backcountry snowcats in December, together with Mattias Fredriksson, Kye Petersen and Ian Morrison. As you can see, I had some energy to do some things right, but was lacking energy to do it all good… Hope you can see we had fun though!”

MPORA Action Sports

Related posts:Nimbus: Timberline Backcountry Well, well, well. Nimbus what have you been up to?...

Nimbus Independent: B.C. Backcountry Chris Benchetler, Anthony Boronowski and John Jackson take a zone...

Editor’s Blog:Backcountry booter in Davos 04/04/09 (Pally) It seems that in the past couple of...