Take me back Tuesday: basketball

So, yes, at camp we spend all day on hill snowboarding or skiing or off hill at local skateparks skating or bmxing, but when … Continue reading →[IMG]http://images.newschoolers.com/images/17/00/38/51/47/385147.jpeg[/IMG]

By Windells

So, yes, at camp we spend all day on hill snowboarding or skiing or off hill at local skateparks skating or bmxing, but when you get back to campus in the afternoon, you can do anything that your heart desires on the Windells campus. Surprisingly, one of the most popular post-shredding things to do is play knock out or bump, as Stevie Bell calls it:

During Session 7, the crew of dudes below were able to successfully get 6 basketballs stuck in the net at once. 6! Now, this photo hasn’t been doctored. There was no “placing” of the balls in the net. Each ball was thrown up there and after what seemed like hours (it may have been longer), they achieved their goal: 6 balls stuck in the basketball net.

The hardest part? Shooting two balls at once in the beginning to block the other balls from falling through. The second hardest part? Watching this go down. But seriously, this is pretty ridiculous, kind of radical, and 100% summer camp.

Windells - BMX. Skiing. Skateboarding. Snowboarding.