A - Z of Snowboard Tricks (Part 2)

Here's part 2 of my A - Z of snowboard tricks

By loulouxx88

Here's part 2 of my A - Z of snowboard tricks


The short definition

of a fakie would be riding the snowboard backwards from the way you would

normally ride it. A fakie is usually used in conjunction with another trick.

There is no real proof who invented, or was the first to do a fakie, but Nate

Sherwood takes credit for it. The fakie may not be the best name for this

trick, but it isn't as easy as it looks and many more difficult stunts are done

with a fakie.

The next time you are watching some pros, pay attention to when you might see a


Freeriding - A Basic


Freeriding was

developed in the early days of snowboarding to satisfy the urge that some

snowboarders had for a more challenging course that had a larger variety of

obstacles. the original idea being that there should be no course, no rules, or

goals to be determined.

Also referred to as "backcountry", or "extreme"

snowboarding, this is the essence of every snowboarding event today. In

freeriding, any natural obstacle or feature that lays in the area to be ridden

in is subject to use as a jumping, or trick platform. Many tricks, and stunts

in other styles of snowboarding such as halfpipe, big air, freestyle, and many

others, were developed originally as a freeriding stunts.

To be a master in snowboard freeriding one must be very good in all the other

areas of snowboarding, and the equipment reflects this, in that it is versatile

enough to be used on any terrain, or in any situation.



There are many

styles and types of snowboarding in existence today, this will help to define

freestyle snowboarding for those who are confused.

In freestyle snowboarding, natural and man-made objects are used as a base to

perform tricks. There are "boxes" made from polyethylene plastics

that the rider can slide on with minimal damage to the bottom of his or her

snowboard. Rails, jumps, trees, or whatever features are available, or any

immobile object can be incorporated into freestyle snowboarding.

The object of the sport being to use all available features to perform aerial,

and jib stunts. Jib refers to the stunts performed by doing a press, or slide

on a feature not covered in snow. Generally this describes the tricks done

using man-made objects. trees, and other natural features without any covering

of snow. Equipment used by freestyle snowboarders differs from other equipment

in the fact that the board is twin tipped, the board edges are filed down, and

boards are shorter.


In snowboarding a

grind is essentially the same as in skateboarding, but the skateboard has

trucks attached to the bottom of the board, and a snowboard doesn't. This is a

jib maneuver, and is sometimes referred to as a slide.

This is a particularly difficult and dangerous trick, so other skills, such as

ollies, must be mastered first. Any jib can be used for this trick, but

generally a rail, or a downed tree is used. There are a lot of variations to

this also, if the riders skills are up to the specific variation being


In essence a grind is sliding the board on top of an object that isn't snow.

The boarder will ollie, or pop, their board on top of the item, and slide the

board along it, then ollie, a smaller one, to dismount and ride away. It is

highly recommended that when learning this trick the rider use a very short

rail, or a downed small tree, or log.

Half cab

The half cab is

adapted from a Caballerial, which is of course named after Steve Caballero, a

15 year old kid who started skating for Powell-Peralta in 1978 and still does

today. The Caballerial was originally a vert trick, but has been adapted to a

flat trick, and that’s where the half cab comes in. It is basically a 180

degree rotation to forward from fakie off of a regular jump.

Approach the jump as you normally would, but riding fakie. Compress down, but

when you squat down, rotate your upper body opposite to the direction you want

to turn. Be careful to go not turn your board. As you go off the jump, bring your

front foot up, gaining a bit of air, unwind your body like a spring and

continue turning in the direction you want to go, bringing your board around

180 degrees. Make sure to land carefully, and ride away.