Checking in from Montana

I’m up here in Whitefish, Montana for my friend Jena’s wedding and it finally gave me some time to get over into Glacier National Park.  As everyone’s told me, this place is amazing.  I could spend the next 10 years on the trails and I’d still have so many new places to go.  I don’t [...][IMG][/IMG]

By Newschoolers

I’m up here in Whitefish, Montana for my friend Jena’s wedding and it finally gave me some time to get over into Glacier National Park.  As everyone’s told me, this place is amazing.  I could spend the next 10 years on the trails and I’d still have so many new places to go.  I don’t shoot a ton of scenics, but hiking around with the midget on my back (camera pack) I kinda have to.  This photo of a wildflower meadow with Reynolds Mountain in the background from the Hidden Lake trail at Logan Pass was taken the day before my D3 went for a swim.  RIP D3.