Westward: Episode 5

Fifth and final installment of Westward webisode series. The crew shred in the promised land of Whistler British Colombia in the winter of 2011.No related posts.[IMG]http://images.newschoolers.com/images/17/00/03/91/46/39146.jpeg[/IMG]

By MagsinTweets

Fifth and final installment of Westward webisode series. Check out the crew as they shred in the promised land of Whistler British Colombia in the winter of 2011.Riders: Ahren Stein, Jack Irvine, Jamieson Irvine, Jordan Innes, Paul Passek, Nevin Metzger, Matt Crawford. Filmed + Edited by Geoff Hewat & Gordie Rogersfacebook.com/?pages/?Westward/?149908648388756 twitter.com/?#!/?WestwardwebMPORA Action Sports >>No related posts.