New edits and Big Air shoutouts

New edits from Spencer Milbocker, McRae Williams, and Nick Miles. Summary image credit - Peter Morning, Mammoth Unbound

By FridayFrothys

We got a few updates to post, with a few new edits from some of the boys as well as some shoutouts following Denver Big Air.

Firstly, a new edit from McRae Williams with Max Peters shot on a sunny PC day. Credit to Roc Maloney.

1 Min. W/ Max Peters & McRae Williams from rocmaloney on Vimeo.

Also a relatively new edit from Spencer Milbocker, filmed in CO while training for the first stop of the Dew Tour. Credit to Judd vanMelle.

Spencer Milbocker Dew Crusin from Judd vanMelle on Vimeo.

Final edit is from a couple weeks ago at Mammoth as some of their riders train for Winter X, featuring Nick Miles. Credit to Mammoth Unbound.

Stay tuned for a full interview with Nick along with his upcoming new edit!!!

Mammoth Unbound skiers train for X Games in Main Park from Mammoth Unbound on Vimeo.

Big congrats goes out to McRae who finished a solid 8th in the last stop of the Dew Tour, and Spencer along with his Armada team taking out the Denver Big Air!!! Also a big shoutout to Kar Fostvedt who threw down hard at Denver Big Air wrapped in some Nine22 threads, but with an injury to Joe Schuster was left one man short on the Scott team. Stoked to have the whole team out killing it!!

Karl Fostvedt

Spencer Milbocker

Phoho Cred: Jonathan Ingraham