January 20th is OkemObama Day at Okemo Mountain Resort

Special lift tickets prices and every television set within public view will be tuned to Inauguration Day festivities.

By schmuck

LUDLOW, Vt. – At the risk of playing into popular bumper sticker philosophy, 1.20.09 is much more than Bush’s last day. Jan. 20, 2009, is Inauguration Day for the 44th president of the United States of America. To celebrate the momentous inauguration of Barack Obama, Okemo Mountain Resort has declared Jan. 20 OkemOBAMA Day. Lift tickets will be priced at $44 for a full-day ticket and every television set within public view will be tuned to Inauguration Day festivities.

Special lift ticket offers previously scheduled for Jan. 20 will also be honored.

January Tribute - U.S. Military Veterans, Fire, Police and Ambulance Personnel

Okemo pays tribute to the United States Military Veterans, Police Officers, Firefighters and Ambulance personnel every Tuesday and Thursday during the month of January 2009, with a special half-price discount on lift tickets. When they show their ID card/badge and a photo ID at the Mountain Services Center at the Okemo Clock Tower base area or the Jackson Gore base area, qualified personnel will receive 50 percent off the price of an adult, full-day, full price lift ticket on Tuesdays, January 6, 13, 20, 27, and Thursdays, January 8, 15, 22, 29. It is Okemo's way of saying "thank you" for all that our civil servants do!

Ladies’ Days - Calling all OKEMOMMAS!

Tuesdays are officially Ladies’ Days at Okemo. All ladies can ski and ride all day on select Tuesdays for just $39. And the savings continue with a group lesson for just $25. Girlfriends, sisters, mothers and grandmothers will enjoy a ladies’ day out on the slopes January 20 and 27.

Okemo Mountain Resort has already received more than six feet of natural snow this season. Snowmaking is continuing aggressively and the popular ski and snowboard resort is quickly approaching the 100 percent open mark.

For more information, please call (802) 228-1600 or visit okemo.com.