Early Season Sessions Vote

The Early Season Sessions contest on Super U.ca is officially closed for entries, and now it's up to you to vote for the potential winner. Read on for more details...

By schmuck

The Super U 'Early Season Sessions' contest is officially closed for entries.

Super U.ca and NS would like to take the time to thank everyone who entered the contest as we know that due to the late start this season it wasn't easy for you guys to put an edit together, so we appreciate all your efforts and hard work.


Now that all the videos are in, it's up to you, the NS community, to decide who will make it into the top 20%. Head on over to Super U.ca, watch all the videos, and then register a username and vote on your favorite between now and 5am PST on Monday, January 12th, 2009.

After voting has finished, the top 20% will be judged by myself, Poorboyz' Jeff Thomas and prooo skier Joe Schuster, and we will be announcing the winner on Monday, January 26th on Super U.ca and right here on NS.

The winner will receive $3000 CDN and the chance to have their video liscensed for use on Super Channel, Canada's national pay television network.

So once again, head on over to Super U.ca and vote, and stay tuned for more info!

Thanks again,

Jeff Schmuck