a year (and some) in review

After over a year of not writing a blog, I decided to revive it. Now with less words and more video/pictures. yay! The past year and a half of my life, in review.

By Darryl Hunt

Well, it's been a long time since I wrote a blog entry (since the end of the 08/09 season to be exact). With my recent purchase of a GoPro, I figured I might as well revive my blog and put even more generic skiing footage out there to flood the internet.

Before I attempt to get the "edits" up, I'll bring you up to speed with my life (don't worry, I haven't been up to too much). I am still in Rossland, "living the dream". Planting trees all summer and taking winters off to work. I have started planting with a local company, which allows me to stay around the Kootenays all summer and not disappear into who knows where isolation camp in Northern BC. Besides that, I took a big road trip through Amurka last fall hitting all the epic ski areas I've been wanting to ski since I was a little boy... the trip was amazing, accept for the fact that I did the trip in October, when there was no snow. Oops. I did check out some very nice scenery though.

Yellowstone National Park

Teton Range with a dusting of snow. If only I was a few months later.

Arches National Park

Grand Canyon

Viva Las Vegas!

The General Sherman - Worlds most massive tree. Sequoia National Park

Sunset on Tioga Pass, Yosemite National Park

Lake Tahoe I WILL season here one winter. That is a promise!

Sequoia tree at Tahoe. Quite possibly my favorite tree species I've come across

Hanging out with the Redwoods

So, I like trees, if you haven't noticed yet.

The forest moon of Endor

After that trip I was back in Rossland for last winter. I don't have anything to show you for that, but if you want to get an idea of what I was up to, go to Jeff's blog http://newschoolers.com/ns/content/readblog/member_id/85354/eid/59176/ I don't think there's any footage of me in his blog, but it's still good none the less. While I mentioned Jeff. Over the winter our footage might be somewhat similar, considering we're skiing the same terrain. If our footage and blog entries end up too similar I might stop, but for now, I think it's fine.

Moving along. In the middle of the summer this past year I went on another road trip to Amurka. This time in August, spending more time in the PNW and Cali' with a "quick" stop over in Black Rock City for a Burning Man.

Mount Rainier

waterfall at Rainier

Mt. St. Helens

Spirit Lake at Helens. the destruction from the explosion was amazing to witness, even 30 years after the event.

Crater Lake. I'd like to take some turns into the Crater one day. I remember reading an article in Powder about skiing into the Crater... there's some cool lines to be had there for sure.

the "lost coast" of California. I love Humboldt County.

foggy San Francisco is foggy

crazy seahorse at the Monterey Bay Aquarium

who doesn't love penguins?

Monterey is easily the best Aquarium I have ever seen. If you have the opportunity, check it.

welcome to Burning Man

there's only so much you can absorb in a week at Burning Man. It was best to put the camera away and experience as much as possible while there. This year they had approximately 52000 this year. This picture was taken from 7:45 and J looking out towards 2. This place is massive.

Well, that about does it for my travels, and it also brings us to the present time, WINTER!! Here are three "edits" I've put together from pre season touring. The first two aren't too special, the last one is better, but the skiing isn't exactly mind blowing. It's early season, things are only getting better from here.

Main Run Nov 30 from darryl hunt on Vimeo.


3rd Slide Dec 4th from darryl hunt on Vimeo.


Dec 19 from darryl hunt on Vimeo.
