Tyler Barnes Summer Edit

For the past two summers I have had the privilege of working as a ski coach at Windell?s Camp in Mt. Hood, Oregon. They have been the best summers of my life without a doubt. No amount of words can adequately describe the experience that is Mt. Hood in the summer time. So, as with [...] No related posts.

By Saga.

For the past two summers I have had the privilege of working as a ski coach at Windell?s Camp in Mt. Hood, Oregon. They have been the best summers of my life without a doubt. No amount of words can adequately describe the experience that is Mt. Hood in the summer time. So, as with all things, if you really want to know what it?s like, you?ll have to come be a part of it yourself. In the meantime, here is an edit that highlights some of the fun I had this summer. To all of the campers, employees, and visiting friends that were at Windell?s this summer, thank you. You?re the reason it?s called the ?funnest? place on earth.

Tyler Summer 2010 from Tyler Barnes on Vimeo.

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