The toughest two hours of my life!

Yes everyone claims that every now and then. But I truly mean what I say!  Last couple of weeks I have been running a lot, and I didn´t really want to tell you what I was training for. Not untill now! I wanted to see if I could finish this race before claiming it on [...][IMG][/IMG]

By daffy2k

Yes everyone claims that every now and then. But I truly mean what I say!  Last couple of weeks I have been running a lot, and I didn´t really want to tell you what I was training for. Not untill now! I wanted to see if I could finish this race before claiming it on the blog.

In Lillehammer there are three main events each year called Birken. It consist of one crosscountry ski-race of 54 km, one cycle-race of 90 km, and last but not least the race where you run in heavy terrain for 22 km. Half-marathon for thoose who don´t know.

And guess what? I finished the damn thing!

It´s not me trying to be Jon Olsson, and swap sports all of a sudden. It´s rather me, trying to push my own limits in different ways. This run was wet, slippery, steep upwards, downhill, far and brutal. Last 3 km I had constant cramps in my legs, and had to kick out the right leg for every step I took. Why? Pushing the limits I say!

For the last 11 km I ran in pretty much choma, and I had no idea of where I was heading, or how I was going to make it. Most important is that I made it.

I finished in 1 hour 49 minutes, which makes 4,2 minutes on each km. I think that is pretty good, thinking of how bad the course was. Rocks, mud, roots, slippery grass and rain for some kilometers.

How do you push YOUR limits?