The Elevated Hustle: Summer at Windell's Camp

After four sessions at The "Funnest" Place on Earth, Windell's Camp created one of the best summers we have ever experie...[IMG][/IMG]

By Newschoolers

After four sessions at The "Funnest" Place on Earth, Windell's Camp created one of the best summers we have ever experienced. From pow days, to endless bulebird skies, to rainy day kickers, to countless laps between two rope tows, the on snow activities are mind-blowing. On campus; glorious meals are prepared, skis are demoed, trampolines and dryslopes are sessioned, and the integrated skateparks are destroyed on a daily basis. Wherever you are this summer, remember that you should be having fun! After all, summer is far too short to participate in mediocre activities.

If summer camp is out of your price range, try some of the following smile producing actives: - Trampolines - Swimming - Lounging with ladies - Games - Sports - Skating - Backyard rail setups - Spitting game - Pushups - Day dreaming - Diving boards - Hiking - Scoping handrails for next season - BikingThe possibilities are endless friends! GO EXPLORE.

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