Hood Part 1.

photos from the day of the Sammy C invitational, which due to weather did not happen on this particular day but I am sure you have all seen the triple he did on the same jump so this automatically is old news No related posts.[IMG]http://images.newschoolers.com/images/17/00/01/01/21/10121.jpeg[/IMG]

By Saga.

These pictures are a few days over due but what do you expect when your computer crashes and you go into a complete melt down thinking you have just lost countless hours of work all because your two month old mac book pro hard drive decides to stop working one afternoon, yea I learned a lesson, thank you Apple for making me realize the value of Time Machine, good up-sell tactic for the external drives. All worry aside, I recovered all my data and I am now fully able to continue on my life behind the computer screen, wow for a second I almost joined the world of going outside and enjoying fresh-air, scary.

Below are the photos from the day of the Sammy C invitational, which due to weather did not happen on this particular day but I am sure you have all seen the triple he did on the same jump so this automatically is old news. Enjoy!

The Durtschi siblings enjoying some quality time together at the Windells arc.
Nothing like a couple of stoked groms getting some summer shred.
These dudes knew what Saga was so they were awarded one sticker each.
This is the man behind the scenes, Fergi (I probably spelled his name wrong), he is a ski super agent for some of Canada’s finest riders, Chug, TJ, Justin Dorey to name a few. He was in an extra high spirits on this day due to the celebration of Canada Day (July 1), the only thing missing is his flare for such an occasion.
But I am pretty sure this guy took care of flare for all the Canadians in the greater Portland area, this one is for you Canada.
Of course with any super event your bound to run into important people like this guy, Erik Seo, you have definitely drooled over his ski photos for the past decade in all major publications. Erik is a good friend of ours and our favorite game is to ask him photo questions until no one is friends anymore, this day being no different. He did manage to grab a grateful angus sticker my favorite to date.
The contrast from the white snow makes this picture look photoshoped but I assure you there is snow somewhere in there if you look close enough.
And I almost forgot to put a shot of the actual jump in, there was a few tricks over the massive jump but the weather was just too unpredictable to have the actual contest.

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