The 5 week addict?

So I had my 5 week visit to my Doc this week? Dr. Lind and Kyle (his assistant) gave some encouraging words, yet others prompting motivation to ?stay on it??. extension may or may not be lacking at this point. With the severity of the meniscus damage I was restricted in my early rehab with [...] No related posts.[IMG][/IMG]

By Saga.

So I had my 5 week visit to my Doc this week? Dr. Lind and Kyle (his assistant) gave some encouraging words, yet others prompting motivation to ?stay on it??. extension may or may not be lacking at this point. With the severity of the meniscus damage I was restricted in my early rehab with what I could do, hence a stiffer knee now?

My leg is sitting between 10 and 90 degrees of motion. With some committed stretching and work I can begin to feel a 5 to 100 range.  The pain is non existent when I up moving around. At night it feels achy with separated periods of more serious pain.  I have weened off of all pain killers for 4 days. Killing that shit cold turkey was trip to say the least.  Late night sweats, mood swings all over the board, and a stomach craving food with a non existent appetite to compliment.  I assume these symptoms parallel those of a fiending heroin addict? just one more pill might not hurt for good times sake? right? right?.

Either way, IT?S ON! no more meniscus healing restrictions, no more pain killers (hopefully).  Pain is sure to come with a plentiful amount of scar tissue building up, but I?m committed to getting it back so I can get back to what I love doing the most in life? SKIING.

taken from my new website check it!

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