Day at the Beave, You Won?t Want to Leave

My good friend and fellow Windells Coach, Cody Booth, were up at Beaver Creek yesterday and the past few others (because it’s the best spot to avoid the spring break crowds, [cough cough]) and it was insanely fun. Here are some pics. Oh, and I’m probably going to have diabetes from the amount [...] No related posts.

By Saga.

My good friend and fellow Windells Coach, Cody Booth, were up at Beaver Creek yesterday and the past few others (because it’s the best spot to avoid the spring break crowds, [cough cough]) and it was insanely fun. Here are some pics. Oh, and I’m probably going to have diabetes from the amount of chocolate chip cookies I’ve ingested in the past 3 days.

Today was a sick pow day, but i forgot my camera.

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