Seth: Live From the Field with TGR

TGR did a great thing hooking up some of their athletes with video iPhones so they can do realtime updates of what the heck they do all winter. Its not an epic edit chopped up and released months after it actually happened but raw, live (almost) accounts of the places Seth is, people he's with and gnar he's skiing. Check out "Live from the Field" on[IMG][/IMG]

By FullTiltBoots

TGR did a great thing hooking up some of their athletes with video iPhones so they can do real time updates of what they do all winter. It’s not an epic edit, chopped up and released months after it actually happened but raw, live (almost) accounts of the places Seth is, people he’s with and gnar he’s skiing. Check out “Live from the Field” on

Here’s a few of Seth Morrison’s latest posts: