Eric Pollard?s Self-Edit(s)

Eric Pollard is a skier, an artist, a ski designer, and a film maker. His vision for Nimbus Independent has become reality traveling around the world filming what he wants, with who he wants. The best part is he gets to edit it how he wants. This all started from not being satisfied with how his segments were edited. Enter the famous Eric Pollard "Self Edit". Even though EP's day job has become making self edits (and of his friends), he still has time for Line to pump out a fresh one of his 2009 season.

By Line Skis

Eric Pollard is a skier, an artist, a ski designer, and a film maker. His vision for Nimbus Independent has become reality traveling around the world filming what he wants, with who he wants. The best part is he gets to edit it how he wants. This all started from not being satisfied with how his segments were edited. Enter the famous Eric Pollard “Self Edit”. Even though EP’s day job has become making self edits (and of his friends), he still has time for Line to pump out a fresh one of his 2009 season.

Eric now has a FACEBOOK page, so you can be his fan and get updates from the road! Enjoy!

Eric’s ‘09 Self-Edit

Eric Pollard’s ‘08 Self Edit

Eric Pollard’s ‘07 Self Edit

Eric Pollard’s ‘06 Self Edit

now go watch Eric’s Nimbus Independent Episodes and Movies like you’ve never seen them before!