Xavier Kuhn will attend X-games

Our skier cross specialist just confirm us his participation to the Winter X-Games in Aspen ! Before that, a big winter program with the Italian world championship opening on December 21th and then many world championnship from january to february. One goal for our athlet : Vancouver Olympics Games on February 21th. Good Luck Xav !![IMG]http://images.newschoolers.com/images/17/00/00/14/80/1480.jpeg[/IMG]

By coreupt.com

Our skier cross specialist just confirm us his participation to the Winter X-Games in Aspen !

Before that, a big winter program with the Italian world championship opening on December 21th and then many world championnship from january to february.

One goal for our athlet : Vancouver Olympics Games on February 21th.

Good Luck Xav !!