
Refresh, and Let's Dance

By Hansel.

So, I decided to go check out the crazy phenomenon of what some may call a ski premier. I have never really been to one before with a movie of this stature. Refresh, to put it simply, re-friggin-diculous. This is A+ quality one of the finest I have seen in awhile. Great diversity of urban and park mixed with some tree skiing and the big time, alaska. Amazing shots, good angles and lighting, props to Berman and Mr. Miller. Now, on to the next movie, Jibulant Productions "Let's Dance". Seeing this movie gave me a different perspective on the dudes I ride with. Watching them when im physically there in the park is amazing, the bag of tricks these guys have, but seeing them on film and what Chris Todd did with the editing was mind blowing. Not to shabby for a group of people who ski on what seems to be like frozen sugar and ice. Both Level 1 and Jibulant did an excellent job of what they made their  movies into. The premier experience was great also, seeing buddies from winters past, meeting new people, catching up on old times, seeing new movies and just having a good time. I know for sure I am going to keep watching videos and going to premiers.

and remember "If you don't do that corked 1260 today, you will be one year older when you do"