Japan 2018 Video

published Feb 2018 - 212 views

My friend Jacob and I decided to make a trip out to Japow after graduating college for a couple of weeks. This trip was absolutely unbelievable, the people, the culture, the food, and the skiing was life-changing. I was also able to have my family join us for the second part which was crazy. This trip was absolutely mind blowing and I couldn't have asked for anything more...

Song: bounce back - vowl.

Locations: Niseko, Rusutsu, Kiroro, House of Powder Cat Skiing

Skiers: Canon Kirchner, Jacob Foley, Kirchner family

Location: Hokkaido, Japan

Playtime: 00:03:46

Artist: Canon Kirchner

Jumps Big Mountain Sequences People Edits Sunset Backcountry Powder


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