For The Love

published Jan 2018 - 17,148 views

For The Love was shot over the 2016/17 winter. It is the second film the crew has put out together, following their first film B.U.F.U . It's about keeping the love and passion alive in this niche part of our sport, street skiing. Being out there with your friends, having fun, creating, and keeping the dream alive. Thanks to everyone who supported this project and the crew. Mad Love!

The computer with this project on it crashed before the movie was finalized. Excuse the lack of ski audio and other issues.



Isaac Hayes- Walk On/ ASAP Rocky- Everyday/ Randy Valentine- Not for Sale/ 50 Cent- Hustlers Ambition

Credit: Filmed Ethan Timmons Lupe Hagearty Mark Spinney

Skier: Will/ Calvin/ Keegan/ Rory/Chase/ Chuck/ Lupe

Location: Colorado and Utah

Playtime: 00:08:43


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