
Voices | Parker Norvell

by PKchu
Apr 2015 - 9.8K views

This past season was incredible. I met so many new people and went to a lot of new places. Overall, I couldn't be more stoked on it, and I've never had more fun in my life. Thank you to all my sponsors, friends, and family for everything.
One love.

Instagram: @pkchu_


The Swell / Parker Norvell

by PKchu
Apr 2016 - 6.6K views

This past season was the most fun yet. It was my first year away from home and the first time I could ski whenever I wanted to. I missed a little bit of skiing due to some minor injuries, but it couldn't have been a better year. This recap shows what I did this season, riding the swells and waves. Huge ups to everyone who filmed and helped me out. Music is in order of appearance: Darkest Ocean by All Tvvins, As the Years Go Passing By by Gary Moore, Evolve by Imagined Herbal Flows, and Deep Water by Dr. Dre.