
Little Fall Edit

by SCProductions
Oct 2009 - 11.2K views

Just a little edit i threw together from some summer and fall sessions. spent about an hour editing this cuz im lazy.. too bad the first day we hit the boxes in the backyard my camera was dead but.. whatever. Enjoy


by SCProductions
May 2009 - 6.2K views

The edit from 08-09, our most unfortunate season ever.
The list of Bummers...
--Dislocated shoulder = $1200 of merk
--stolen board/binding = $600 ish
--Concussion stolen iPod = $1300 ish
--Stolen boots = $90
--Phone (My Bad) = $100
--Eating it on rail and hurting hip = Pride
--Broken rib = $400
total = $3690 hurt pride