
Digital Art Project. Did You Notice It?

by nepnw11
Nov 2011 - 621 views

Did you notice it? Watch the box disappear as I'm about to spin onto it. For my Digital Art 1 class at the College of the Holy Cross, in Worcester, MA, we were asked to create a piece of artwork mimicking the style of a famous artist. I chose to create mine on based on the work of Paul Pfeiffer, specifically his "Caryotid - Lord Stanley's Cup" and "The Long Count" projects. In this video clip, I broke down just over two seconds of film in which I spin across a box into frames and photoshopped the box out. Being shot at 30 fps, this resulted in me removing the box from 65 images, putting them back into video format, and editing it back into the original clip. These 11 seconds of video took me approximately 7 hours to create...LOT of work, but I'm very pleased with the result. Enjoy!


by nepnw11
Jan 2012 - 254 views

Spent 2 days skiing at Sunday River in Maine for the first time ever. Had a big crew of friends skiing together and we had a whole bunch of fun. Half of the edit was shot with my Canon Rebel T1i on a SteadyDSLR steadicam, the other half was shot with my GoPro. It was my first time shooting with the SteadyDSLR steadicam and I loved the way the shots came out, I can't wait to do it more.


by nepnw11
Mar 2011 - 1.2K views

Anthony and I just havin some fun on a bluebird day with super high winds and bulletproof snow. Song: Black Violin - 'Bradenburg'.


by nepnw11
Feb 2011 - 2.1K views

Scenery and skiing shot entirely on the campus of the College of the Holy Cross. Fun little urban backcountry sesh with Jeff and Dale on Saturday and time lapses throughout the week.
