I love summer time. Its ironic because Im currently in a place where its below freezing, howling winds, and snowing heavily. Im in Chile for 4 weeks with the hopes of skiing some deep powder. While im really looking forward to this trip, I must say, I was really enjoying the beautiful summer in Utah! I wanted to share some pictures from the last few weeks leading up to my departure. You see, I knew I was heading to the cold wintery environment of the Andes mountains so I had to seize every opportunity to get out and fish/camp/hike/climb/bike/etc....

^ Biking the Crest trail in the early morning hours with my brother. I haven't biked much in the last 5 years but thats all about to change.
^ The Crest trail follows the park city ridgeline with epic views of the central Wasatch.
^ The wildflowers were just starting to go OFF!!! Indian Paintbrush
^ Fishing the green drake hatch this summer yielded some outrageously epic days. For me, the pinnacle moment in fly fishing is casting big dry-flies to even bigger trout and thats exactly what the green drake hatch can provide.
^ This mayfly avoided the gaping mouths of the trout on the middle provo river to dry his wings on the grassy banks
^ The day before I left for south america, we made one last float down the green river.
^ A colorful Bonneville Cutthroat from the High Uinta mountains
^ Shooting time lapses of the milky way in the uintas. It was a magical evening to say the least.
^ I love how this photo turned out. Whats going on with my net?!?! (no photoshop)