Someone's clearly excited for snow

Yesterday, Stan Rey and Mercedes Nicoll and a trusty avy dog were lucky enough to get up the Whistler Blackcomb mountain to see the sights and well... check out what winter's brought us thus far.

Early season dump looking great

After some heavy snow, temperatures have plunged and Whistler Blackcomb's beginning snowmaking (with a whopping 240 guns) to give Mother Nature a little shove forward in ensuring an amazing opening day.

Whistler's planning on an opening day of November 27th, and maybe even earlier so keep your fingers crossed!

Taking some early season turns and testing the mountain

The time of bluebird days spent shredding the peaks of epic coastal mountains with your best buds has come, and stoke is at an all time high. Cheers to a great looking season for those of you out in Whis, enjoy!
