Hi friends, My name is Joel and I enjoy skiing and making movies. For the last six months, I have been working 12 hour days, guiding fly fishing expeditions, planting trees, and editing a ski and snowboard film entitled "What's in the Fridge?", a 30 minute adventure showcasing riders from the Kootenays in Southwestern, BC. The full film will be available online for a free download in December.

Featuring the athletic performances of: myself (Joel Jah Raven), Rob Heule, Thomy Westcott, Mikel Witlox, Colston VB, BenJammin, Rich Small, Blake Nyman, Anthony Boronowski and lots of my other close friends that I love to film and ride with.

Whats in the Fridge? A Teaser. from Jah Raven Creation on Vimeo.

Thanks for checking it out. and tell your friends!!!!

- Joel

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