Interview by Dylan Anderson

Seeing that you are a wizard, what house were you sorted into at Hogwarts?

I was never that big into Harry Potter. I do like Lord Of The Rings and would want to be a human mage that lives in the woods.

Photo by Nashoba Valley Terrain Parks

Funniest Windells camper story?

Kids peeing themselves in the dinner line for Saga stuff.

Photo by Windells Camp

We're all familiar with your insane bag of rail tricks, but what is Andy Parry's favorite aerial trick?

I like doing rodeos. I like watching all the crazy dub and trips going on. I like to see how crazy tricks have become over the last 10 years.

What's the longest the Traveling Circus has had to go without a shower or bathing of some sort?

I think it was last fall in New Zealand. Our trip was two weeks and I showered once. But to be fair I did swim in a 40 degree lake so that kinda counts.

If you could compare Ian Compton to any animal, what would it be?

Long-Tailed Weasel with beaver teeth.

Photo by Nashoba Valley Terrain Parks, Editing by me

Opinion on slopestyle entering the Olympics?

Won't happen. I don't think FIS would allow Hippy Killers, or bindsouls.

Photo by Line Traveling Circus