After minutes of deliberation, a panel of professionals have decided that this is a switch back seven nose. We?re not totally sure, but we?re going with that.

Throughout the ages, there have been many foursomes that have defined sensibilities, innovated trends, and affected generations. In the sixties, The Beatles revolutionized rock music. In the eighties, Dr. Peter Venkham and the other Ghostbusters saved a legion of citizens from getting slimed. Flash forward to 2011, and it?s a fair comparison to say that Nick Visconti, Curtis Woodman, Jason Robinson, and Stevie Bell combined their collective radness and gave campers at Windells the best summer snowboard experience they could ever want.

The group may seem, at first, to be an unexpected foursome, but during Session 4, their unique personalities and boarding styles combined seamlessly, creating a powerhouse of fun. From morning to night, the guys were all over the place, harnessing the same energy of a whole cabin of campers. Tons of park laps, hours and hours spent in the Concrete Jungle and BOB, backflip clinics on hill, powerslide contests off hill, Bonfire Pipe 2 Pipe, and the biggest, most intense, game of knock out you have ever seen (Stevie could probably play defense in the NBA). But don?t take it from us, here?s what the crew had to say.

?Our session involved snowboarders from all types of backgrounds and different styles. No matter what you?re into in snowboarding: taipans, tight pants, baggy pants, rails, jumps, backcountry, there?s people that are experts are in all of those fields. There really wasn?t anything you couldn?t learn or get involved with. It made me feel like a kid again.? – JRob

?Session 4 was so fun because everybody was friendly, super stoked to be at camp, and had a good time, whether it was on hill or on campus: product tosses, the sickest skate competition I have ever seen in my life, and wonderful dance parties. I had an amazing time hanging out here. I?m exhausted from all the skating, snowboarding and activities. I?m gonna go take a nap for a couple days. ? Stevie

?We had a really good group of people. Everyone was down to have a really good time on and off hill and there?s always activities to do, rain or shine, whether it is basketball, tetherball, playing pool, or skateboarding. You?re moving and doing fun things the whole session. Sleepy Bear needs a nap.? ? Curtis

?Windells helps me keep my girlish figure and fit into my skinny pants. I can?t even eat enough good food fast enough, because I burn off so many calories skating and snowboarding all day. Screw Jenny Craig, I need Windells.?  ? Nick

Session 5 is next and will be filled with even more shredding, skating, and fun! Check for all the updates.

Trevor Jacob frontside air in the Concrete Jungle.
The Windells diggers have been changing up the park every session, and each week it keeps getting even better.

Dylan Dragotta, pole jam to mailbox boardslide.

Dylan Dragotta spends all day shredding on hill and all evening tearing up the concrete on campus.
Nick Visconti backtail with some camper friends in BOB (the Building Out Back).
Marc Swoboda back seven.
JJ Thomas found some blue skies for some pipe laps. All week he was sessioning the 22 foot pipe and sending it into the air bag.
Counselor Gared Schneider switch nosepress.

Tetherball back on campus, not a bad way to end a day spent shredding, when you?re at summer snowboard camp.

Windells - BMX. Skiing. Skateboarding. Snowboarding.