The results are in! After receiving close to 100 applications for the Salomon freestyle girls contest, 5 lucky winners emerge! Drum roll please… Emma Hermanek Maripier Brossard Alyssa Forrest Kim McGlothlin Korah Quinn These girls will all receive a full Salomon twin tip set up along with apparel to rock this season. Congratulations! All of these girls, like all of the applicants, share a deep passion for skiing. Wow, was it hard to choose! City-girl Emma will hold it down in the Midwest and hopes to help start an event similar to Queen’s Cup in her area. Mari from Montreal rides with the Orford Freeriders and will be a ski instructor this season. She also helps promote and implement many freestyle events in her area. Korah Quinn has mad skills as a ski technician, travels all over the Northwest and will be coaching many girls this season to help them achieve their dreams. Kim rides for Heavenly and last season coached at the South Shore Soldiers camp. Alyssa is a Maine girl and is heavily involved with her ski club, skis with little groms at SCVA and coaches up in Whistler. Thanks SO much to all who sent in essays. We were truly stoked to hear from all of you ladies out there and had a great time reading your essays and checking out your films and pictures! See you on the slopes! Salomon