Surprise! I am?

So if you haven't figured it out yet, this is my blog. Since it is titled 'Brian's Blog,' a few simple deductions would bring you to the conclusion that I am Brian.


After living in Whistler the last two years and riding there regularly for the last three years I am currently skiing at my childhood ski hill that goes by the name of Hemlock Resort, BC, Canada, Northern Hemisphere, Western Hemisphere, Earth, Etc... They offered me a job build the terrain park, so I took it. Better than carrying fireproof doors around for the winter. I thought it would be a good idea to move up here, along with all 50 permanent residents and a handful of twinkies and lifties that live in the dreaded bunk house. The hill is closed 3 days a week and it gets emptier during that time. Yippee!

This year is kind of like an experiment in a few ways. After doing 120 days a year at one of the best resorts in the world will good ole Hemlock still be fun? As well, can I actually build a park and manage people? These answers will be revealed in future entries (how lame!). I will do a start to finish of a Terrain Park build, document road trips, and take you into the backcountry when I go touring via the World Wide Wasteoftime.

I don't write and I don't take photos. I ski and I build terrain parks. Unfortunately I can't find the cord that automatically uploads my thoughts and the images my eyes picked up throughout the day directly onto the computer. This means I have to give the whole writing and photography thing a shot.

Hopefully I don't write so much anymore. This was supposed to be a test but I turned it into an intro.

Holy shit