So, every year I try to keep a journal of my skiing, but most years I get lazy or forgetful and the journal usually falls apart by New Years. Last year was the first time I actually got the whole season written down, but before I could do anything with it - I lost the journal. Opps! So this year I not only have a complete journal, but I didn't loose it!!! As for my method, I write down the day skiing, the date, and anything that stood out that day to make it fun. All the tricks written down are landed (unless otherwise stated) and other then that - I think the whole thing is pretty self explanatory. The only thing that might get confusing is when I refer to runs and mountains in the area. Unless you know the names of stuff in the Rossland area it probably won't mean anything. To those that do know the names of the stuff in the area, then cool!

I always try to get 100+ days a season, but the past two winters (I think last year my total was 89 if I remember correctly) my touring set up has crapped out on me, cutting my season 2 to 3 weeks short. This year I am only at 82, but I might get another day or two in before the end.

And here it goes. My 2008/2009 ski season in all it's glory:

Day 1 - School rail: 450 off, 270 on/270 off, switch ups, FUN!!!

Day 2 - School rail

Day 3 - Bike park

Day 4 - Church Wallride, doghouse jib

Day 5 - Dec 19 - Silverload opens

Day 6 - Dec 20 - silver cold!!!

Day 7 - Dec 22 - red opens, break Marker Dukes (after three days of use)

Day 8 - Dec 24 - motherload opens, only Long Squaw open

Day 9 - Dec 25 - stupid deep! Paradise laps & deep

Day 10 - Dec 26 - Oil Can & Slides - min. rocks

Day 11 - Dec 31 - hit up granite... good(ish)...average

Day 12 - Jan 2 - busy... ski pipeline home

Day 13 - Jan 3 - recon day... stuff is getting there, ski museum route home

Day 14 - Jan 4 - Golden Chariot (good) DL's (not so good)

Day 15 - Jan 5 - 50cm's, Kill Links Line

Day 16 - Jan 6 - more pow, sick day! Powder Fields & Golden Chariot

Day 17 - Jan 8 - paradise, snow good still after rain. Sam & Megans backyard: backflips and jibbing

Day 18 - Jan 9 - Oil Can, costal powder

Day 19 - Jan 10 - watch kids do their comp on Links Line

Day 20 - Jan 12 - Centre Chute on Roberts, Links Line (find my line for the comp)

Day 21 - Jan 13 - Centre Chute on Roberts, slide rails

Day 22 - Jan 14 - try to ski Links with Ryan... ...end up mobbing Paradise

Day 23 - Jan 15 - Comp time. qualify for semi finals

Day 24 - Jan 16 - Fall on Roberts in comp. had fun.

Day 25 - Jan 17 - watch finals on Roberts in sun.

Day 26 - Jan 19 - Jib farm - Delam JJ :(

Day 27 - Jan 23 - Quarter pipe FINALLY! EPIC! Flair leading tail, air to fakie, handplant mute

Day 28 - Jan 25 - Phoenix rail jam/big air Fun stuff

Day 29 - Jan 26 - Quarter pipe. 8ft out, flair leading tail, ally-op flat 5

Day 30 - Jan 27 - hill. icy. park ghetto.

Day 31 - Jan 29 - park. land 270's every time.

Day 32 - Jan 30 - build course for "The Game" & test it

Day 33 - Jan 31 - The Game try 270 disaster the double kink but fail

Day 34 - Feb 2 - 8cm after a month of nothing! 1st Window

Day 35 - Feb 3 - 900's, but don't land. play on Granite

Day 36 - Feb 4 - park jump: 720's, switch 720's, backflips, underflips

Day 37 - Feb 5 - park, snowboard, sun, fun

Day 38 - Feb 6 - decent snow, north side

Day 39 - Feb 7 - hung over. Paradise Lodge & heli pad

Day 40 - Feb 8 - park day: switch cork 5's, rail tricks

Day 41 - Feb 9 - Jib Farm: switch 270's, 450 on

Day 42 - Feb 10 - park... meh.

Day 43 - Feb 12 - back out on JJ's. Yay!

Day 44 - Feb 15 - Coolers, meh. Jib farm: blindside 450's off

Day 45 - Feb 16 - Gray/Kirkup hike. Powder! 360 cliffs, pillow goodness.

Day 46 - Feb 17 - fuck around, tweak back

Day 47 - Feb 18 - south side of Gray & DL's

Day 48 - Feb 19 - summit Roberts 4X in 4 hours (solo). ridges between Centre Chute and DL's

Day 49 - Feb 20 - park: right 3's Paradise laps with Rat Pack

Day 50 - Feb 21 - Record Peak north side trees. Gray 3rd peak south side. With Dan.

Day 51 - Feb 22 - Jib Farm: 270 on the tube, have fun

Day 52 - Feb 23 - In bounds, good snow, could be good!

Day 53 - Feb 24 - Pow Day FINALLY! Big Drops not ready yet.

Day 54 - Feb 26 - Pow Pow, fun drops. check waterfall... not ready yet.

Day 55 - Feb 27 - Roberts X2 Awesome!!

Day 56 - Feb 28 - typical winter day. tried Links jump.

Day 57 - March 3 - heavy and wet. ok day

Day 58 - March 4 - lazy day. big jump is up... too kicky maybe?

Day 59 - March 5 - best day of year. launch from top on Links new cliff band. backflips, lincolns, guinie big jump 540

Day 60 - March 6 - tree jib on Roberts... jibbed it.

Day 61 - March 7 - cliff dive: good times. park jump: 720 mute

Day 62 - March 9 - unexpected pow day. Awesome!

Day 63 - March 10 - drop 30ft cliff in Orchards, eat mushrooms, have fun.

Day 64 - March 11 - chicken out of icicle cliff. park jump: cork 7's switch 5's, backflips.

Day 65 - March 12 - backflip, underflip, switch 9 mute, flat 5 safety, listen to music while skiing for first time.

Day 66 - March 14 - stupid day. oh well.

Day 67 - March 15 - 4th chair. awesome pow day. good drops, nice lines, deep snow.

Day 68 - March 16 - good snow, 2 new lines on Pale Face, gap stupid chute, 540 cliffs, drop icicle cliff, fun in Roots.

Day 69 - March 17 - St. Backflips Day!!!! Super Cooler.

Day 70 - March 19 - 2nd to 3rd Window. Hour Glass on Roberts, Gray/Kirkup with super awesome spine on Grey.

Day 71 - March 20 - Shoulder. hang out at Crystal Cave

Day 72 - March 21 - Retro Day: win mogul comp. park jump: flat 5, backflip

Day 73 - March 23 - Rail Comp: get 3rd, stupid judging format, did good, fell a lot

Day 74 - March 24 - Big air - Postponed

Day 75 - March 25 - some pow, High Spirits, Natty Brown

Day 76 - March 26 - park jump: switch 9 mute, flat 5, misty 540 (attempt), cork 7's, break JJ's AGAIN! no more touring.

Day 77 - March 30 - 180 Lui Kang

Day 78 - April 2 - Pow Day. Pale Face, Waterfall, Natty Brown w/ Paul. Good Day

Day 79 - April 3 - Natty Brown, High Spirits cliff.

Day 80 - April 4 - Big Air Comp: get 2nd fun times. Wallride comp... stupid format again.

Day 81 - April 5 - last day of Red. Saucer Boy tribute. PARTY HARD!

Day 82 - April 13 - Whitewater last day. 18cm of fresh overnight... Not Bad.

So there you have it. Not a great season for the snow, or the best of luck with equipment (but I always seam to break a shit load of gear), but it was still a really fun one none the less. I leave for planting on May 3rd, should be a good summer.

Hope you all had (are having) a great season, and may your summer be full of sunshine and beaches. Or go down south and ski some more... you know... if you're into that skiing thing. Silly sport if you ask me.