I'm really stoked for the next few weeks. We just got done building a decent sized step-up jump to do some inverted aerial trickery on that has some potential for artsy shots (pictures below). However, we haven't had weather cooperating to hit it, but we expect to get a good session in the near future.The past few weeks have been absurdly busy. Japan, and consequently so did I, saw it's fastest snowfall rate in the past decade or so. I have never seen 7 feet of snow fall as fast as it did. As we finished shoveling off the steps, the top was already rendered invisible by the snow. It was a bittersweet case of deja vous. However, in between the shoveling and eating/sleeping, we got to ski some of the most fun snow I have ever had the pleasure of having under my skis. Unfortunately, I didn't have much time or inclination to record it so you will just have to take my word for it.We also have some good crews coming in to do some filming so the busy streak definitely isn't ending. Level 1, TGR, and RIDE will all be making appearances. Black Diamond Lodge is looking to host a "backcountry freestyle camp" in which we will take people into the side and backcountry and teach them how to properly and safely build jumps and use natural terrain. It will also cover some aspects of park skiing but primarily focus on jibbing in the backcountry. Right now the details are getting sorted but it looks like it will be a really fun event. There's also a super good deal for college/mid aged kids and the details are here:http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=162712150443986http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=137994586264511I will add a video to the blog soon of some recent shenanigansSkinning some lines near Goshiki

Inrun to the half-built step up
Half-built step up before the sun went away :(