You've been there. Tearing down the slopes on a fresh powder run, listening to your favorite song. You're carving in tune with the music, flowing down the mountain to the constant beat in your ears. Life is good.

Then the song ends, and somehow that Celine Deion song from 8th grade that you never deleted starts playing next. You stagger, you stop, ripping at your earbuds to make the noise stop. Your moment is ruined.

We have been skiing and boarding our entire lives, and we have had enough of these moments to finally do something about it. Simple things like pausing your songs to talk to someone on a chairlift are just too cumbersome when you have on all your gear. We wanted to build a product that let you control your music without stopping, without reaching for your phone, and without ruining your moment.

GoGlove is that product. We took a thin glove liner and embedded sensors in each finger. A magnet in the thumb activates them when you tap your thumb to a sensor. With Bluetooth built in, you can now control your music, apps, camera and GoPro just by tapping your fingers together. Since the glove is magnetic, you can wear your normal ski gloves overtop and it still functions properly.

We built GoGlove to allow you to control your music easier and better. No more fumbling for your phone, or tiny buttons on your headphones just to pause your music. No more wondering if your GoPro is actually capturing video. No more horrible songs on the slopes. Just better control.

GoGlove has launched on Kickstarter and you can check out the project here: