I consume a lot of ski content on a daily basis, and I quickly forget what I've watched a couple of days earlier, due to the absurd amount of skiing that gets uploaded to the Internet every day. That's why I decided to compile my favorite videos from the past week and to share it with you guys. Here's FredyFerl's Picks of the Week #1.

Serkkupojat @ Backyard Park

I remember the first time I've watched an edit from what looks like the funnest backyard park in the world, and I still get just as stoked whenever there's new footage from there. Big fat pvc pipes in all forms inimaginable, what more can you ask for?


Sam Miles Maneuvers

This guy's smooth, and it seems like he has a good time skiing Burke, which I'll have to hit up at some point this season. His last trick is pretty unexpected.


BRS - Jakob Lundberg 159 Full Part

BRS rereleased Jakob Lundberg's full part in 159 as an individual segment earlier this past week. Lundberg's my favorite skier from this group, it's just stupid how smooth he is and how good his skiing looks.


Park Etiquette

There's a bit too much slow mo in there for me, but the first Park Etiquette still makes me want to go have a fun day skiing rails in the park.



I really enjoy watching insane rail skiers, and that's what Tanner Mottau is. With tricks like a 5 swap on a double kink, or a 450 on 630 out, this guy knows how to ski rails, and does it with style.


Jossi Wells Zero Spins X Games

Everyone's seen that one. Jossi Wells hits the whole X Games slopestyle course switch without even caring.
