Over the past few months the NS staff have been busy working on some major changes for the site. And while a few will take some time to get used to, we're doing our best to mix the new in with what everyone has grown accustomed to, so that no one freaks out because they can't find the forums or picture section. On the backend side of things we have a new, super fast server that in conjunction with some new compression should see pages load much faster - good news for the dial-up crew. We've upgraded our bandwidth to 3 terabytes per month in hopes that it will last us longer than the last server. Paul (nopoles) has been working to recode the entire site from the ground up for increased stability and usability but has made sure that NS still has that same look and feel. Paul's recode will also allow us to change the look of the site much easier and over the next few weeks we'll be changing colours and some of the graphical elements of the site for a more modern look. The biggest difference that everyone will notice right away is that we're widening the site. That's right, we've made the leap into the 21st Century and will now be much better formatted for everyone that's using modern resolutions. These changes will also effect one section significantly, that being our "News". As the site has grown over the last couple of years we've really hit limitations with regards to displaying info in an efficient manner, so we're redesigning the entire home page and giving News it's own area. The site's new Home page will be a portal to the newly created News section, the Park Updates as well as several new sections including: Team Updates, Blogs, Reviews, Downloads, and more. As this is a fairly large undertaking there will of course be some down time for the site. We're trying to keep that to a minimum of a couple of hours but it could last up to a full day if the new site and server take some time to become friends. The new site should be fully operational by October 15th but we'll be making the server change in the next week so that we have time to tweak the site for before our official launch date. We'll be posting some screen shots of the new site in the next couple of days to give everyone a better idea of what we're up to.Hopefully everyone ends up as stoked as we are, - cko