It’s our second on-snow day at Windells Camp and the weather cooperated for a great day on snow in the Windells private park where we found our latest camper of the day. Noah is a 14 year old snowboarder from Ohio who came to session 1 and stayed for session 2. He’s been a bright personality around camp and has given many high 5’s on snow to fellow campers and staff. When he found out he was Camper of the Day, he hit the first jump in our private park and went big just to show his appreciation!

Why did you choose Windells?

Noah: Because Windells is the best, straight up. They have the most stuff, the sickest park, they have Core Action Videos now, the bag jump, two rope tows, huge campus and everyone here is ridiculously nice. I love this place.

How do you like the on-campus activities?

Noah: The campus to me is dangerous because I feel I’m going to kill myself every night. There is so much to do. The sponsor nights are the best. I kind of overpacked when I came here and I feel like i’m going to have to UPS stuff home because I have so much free stuff. They just throw it at you here.

Who have been your coaches?

Noah: Right now I have Yudo and last session I had Halo.

How do you like the coaching so far?

Noah: It’s pretty good. It comes to the point where they are just helping you and telling you that you can do this stuff. Most of it is they give you those little pointers and you have it all on lock. The coaching’s insane.

Why did you choose to come to two sessions this summer?

Noah: I kind of had enough money, I paid for half on my way here. When I signed up I had enough money for one and then enough for two. It was my first time coming here so I thought about and figured there’s no way I’m not going to like it so sign me up for two sessions.

What kind of stuff did you do between the sessions?

Noah: We went on some crazy thriftstore shopping, I got me some orange corduroy pants. It was so much fun, we chilled with Jeremiah and Will the in-between counselors. We went to Portland, just a bunch of sweet experiences. Just got to chill and reflect on stuff.

What do you want to work on this session?

Noah: I’m going to try and work on not falling like I did today. I’m going to try to heal from falling today.

How big was that jump you hit today?

Noah: Probably 25-30 foot kicker with a 20 foot overshot. They have a picture of me on the knuckle and I’m 10 feet over it.

What advice would you give to other campers?

Noah: Don’t kill yourself when you first get here. Everybody gets here, especially if your a skater you get into BOB or the concrete jungle and you go crazy. Especially if you get here earlier, they pretty much have to haul you back to your cabins. The rest of the week your kind of like why did I kill myself that first night. It’s so worth it, Windells is worth it, it’s the funnest place on earth and the universe. They don’t have places this fun in Neptune, Windells is the best.

Stoked to have you as Camper of the Day Noah! Enjoy the rest of your session and stay tuned for more campers of the day at Windells Camp this summer!

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