So this summer I worked at Cedar Point. At first I was supposed to be working there with one of my best friends but he backed out at the last minute. I decided that it would probably be a pretty cool experience so I decided to go down there alone.

My first couple of days were awful. My roommates were all weird as shit and some of them smelled bad. Since the park wasn't open, they had us cleaning up dead fish off the beach and we were basically treated like slaves. I toughed it out though and after I finally started working on my ride, the Ripcord, things got better. All the people I worked with were cool and as time went on they became some of the best friends I've ever had. We spent the whole summer hanging out at an amusement park. We rode rides almost every day, went out every night, and even made trips to other parks.

If anyone ever gets a chance to do something like this I highly recommend it.

I'm the one in the red suit.

I'm in the blue.

The whole crew on the Skyhawk

The best part of my whole summer, my new girlfriend.