The new Alpine Initiatives site is up and running! Now you can follow them on their journey to Kenya as they have already arrived and check out the progress on the Amani Community Home. It's come a long way since they left last summer. The community has done a great job in working on the home itself and the organic garden which is producing food! They've also done clinics on bee keeping which will add to the versatility of the community.
It's been amazing to see this non profit start and to watch it grow into what it has now become. I was about to post some before and after photos from A.I.'s blog, but I didn't want to spoil go check it out!!Instead of going out to lunch, getting coffee, or spending money at the bar you can donate that towards Alpine Initiatives and help the community home project meet completion in time for the school year. Every little bit helps and you won't even notice that money is gone. Spread the word!