Today the Red Bull Cold Rush wrapped up with two heavily featured zones. The morning started out with a mini-golf session in a bowl with cliffs, some spines and pillow features. Riders spread out down the ridge throwing stoke to eachother as one by one we dropped in. Pow was deep, and the zone was super fun but we were constantly tormented by clouds threatening to close out our view. Two runs were planed and as 11 out of the 13 riders finished up their second shred session a heavy cloud layer rolled in blocking the view leaving Anthony and I on the ridge waiting to go. A long time passed. Finally enough perspective was revealed that we were able to join the rest of our friends at the bottom of the run.

Although this was structured as a contest, the feel and vibe of the crew was much more of an "epic shred session with friends." While we were all here to do our best and give'er, our modus operandi was to have fun. Everyone's focus was to rip, and see eachother shred, spreading stoke, and enjoying our time here. An amazing amount of work and effort went into making this whole event happen and it was an honor to be a part of it.